Sunday, January 30, 2011

13. Judging Books By Their Covers

I cannot deny that I am a book-cover judge.
I love books, first of all. But, I also love books with pretty covers.
I am one of those people who could spend the entire day in a bookstore, a library, a coffee shop.
Just reading.
Especially books with cool covers.
And if it is going to be lame and decide on a boring cover, then it at least needs to have an engaging title.
Is this wrong considering I am an English major?
And that I am going to be a teacher?
I am so excited to have bookshelves in my classroom one day filled with amazing novels, incredible poetry, life-changing pieces of literature.
Once I have read a book, and I know how meaningful it is, then the cover doesn't matter. But how can you pick up a book that doesn't appeal to your visual senses at all and call it a classic? Or wonderful?
Those are just some of my thoughts on how I am not supposed to judge a book by its cover.
Expect for I just got a new thought: Don't we say that expression when referring to people sometimes? I suppose I should follow that one.

Anyways, in a somewhat related, yet new topic, I want to tell you how much I love to make lists. I love sticky notes, index cards, pieces of paper, planners, anything that I can write lists on. I can be a very planny type of person. A good and a bad thing.
Anyways, again, this relates because I love making lists of books. I have a list of books I need to read, want to read, have already read; a list of books that have changed my life, my favorites, ones I want to write about, etc. A lot of the books overlap lists.

So, I want to share some of my all time favorite books/writings with you (nostalgic ones and very recent ones):
  1. Magic Tree House series
  2. Narnia series
  3. Holes
  4. Ramona Quimby
  5. Freak the Mighty
  6. Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry
  7. Animal Farm
  8. A Separate Peace
  9. To Kill a Mockingbird
  10. Julius Caesar
  11. The Great Gatsby
  12. Macbeth
  13. The Death of a Salesman
  14. Hamlet
  15. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  16. Candide
  17. King Lear
  18. Twilight Saga
  19. A Streetcar Named Desire
  20. Pride and Prejudice
  21. Crazy Love
  22. Heart of Darkness
  23. Hunger Games
  24. The Awakening
  25. The Pigman
  26. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
  27. Bible

I had to throw #27 in there. It should be #1, and in reality it is. This is just part of a list I intend to grow throughout the remainder of my life. I also intend to read and re-read more. I can't get enough. My New Year's Resolution/ goal for this next semester is to make more time to read books that are not assigned. And maybe even choose some that have ugly covers.

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