Thursday, July 15, 2010

2. Magic Pants

Well folks, I am writing tonight from my all too comfortable TV room couch. And I am watching my all time favorite movie: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

I don't know what it is about this movie, but I will never get sick of it. It has a very odd power over my emotions and it can make me cry even in the first five minutes. It's like my comfort food in the form of a comfort movie. If I had a bowl of life cereal right now, or a grilled cheese sandwich, tonight would be one of the best in my book.

Well anyways, I think I love this movie so much mostly because it has 4 main characters in it and of course, I am one of 4 girls. And my sisters are my best friends. I would like one day to all be able to fit in the same pair of pants. My sister Liz is just skinny. Not that the rest of us are fat, she is just freakishly thin. Whatever Liz. Sorry if I embarrassed you by sharing that.

Oh well. That's what sisters are for. Embarrassing each other. Listening to each other. Hanging out with each other. Sharing clothes (sometimes). Yelling. Laughing. Praying. Loving.

I have always wondered what it would be like to have a brother, but I know it wouldn't be right for how God wanted me to experience life. Brothers just don't fit into my story and into my family's story. But I am glad to have guys just as friends. And I am grateful that I have guaranteed friends for life in the form of those three girls.

If you're not a girl, and you don't have sisters, then you won't understand. But maybe that is why no guys seems to have the same favorite movie as me.


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I always wanted a big brother, but God was good enough to give me "big brothers" when I got to Bethel, and that has been such a gift. I have one younger sister, and she and I are super close. Way to be connected to your family. Rock on.
