Monday, July 19, 2010

4. Farthest thing from Indie-fresh

You know what I love?--> Jars of Clay.

Sometimes I forget just how much I love them.
I love when I put my iPod on shuffle and rediscover songs that I used to be obsessed with from way back when. I always go through this same process whenever I find new music that I really like. I end up listening to that one artist or that CD like literally 50 times. I just listen to it every day for a good week or two. And I am just like this is such a good song, CD, artist, whatever. How could I ever get sick of this?

And then like a month or two later, it comes up on shuffle and I skip it because I don't really like it anymore. Or maybe I just out-listened it. But then, occasionally, one will come up and I'll let it play, and I am just like I forgot how much I love this song.

This tends to happen with a select few songs. But I love when it does.

I feel like somewhat of a loser when it comes to music- like I am not qualified to have an opinion about anything music related. Or at least that is how I think others see me.
So what if I am not "indie-fresh" or if sometimes (gasp) I listen to K-love.
I honestly am a little annoyed with the idea that if a song is popular, it would be uncool to like it.
But at the same time I am very annoyed with the idea that if iTunes or MTV says a song is cool, everyone adopts that same idea and thinks it is like the best thing ever.

Why can't we just choose what we like for ourselves? And so what if it is different from your best friend or neighbor or parent or whatever.

That's what I have decided I am going to do. I definitely love when cool indie-fresh people give me cool music to listen to because then I don't have to look for it myself. But I am not going to pretend to think its stellar if it actually is not my taste. Some of it definitely is; some of it is not. (Regina) And I refuse to have the top ten iTunes song on my pod just because it's on the top ten.

So, if you ever want some new music, I would love to share with you some of my favorites.
But don't be surprised when you discover a melting pot. One song Barcelona, the next Jonas Brothers, Jars of Clay, Gungor, Taylor Swift, Rush of Fools, Coldplay, Switchfoot, and hey maybe if you're lucky, some Steve (as in yes, the famous Steven Curtis Chapman).

The point is: Please don't judge me for having a different taste of music as you. I like my music and I love listening to songs I really like. I hope you have the same experience when you hear music you really like. If it brings you joy, then I'm glad for you. Although, you intense country jammers out there, I still don't understand your strange obsession, but I'm glad for you if it really does make you happy.

The end.


  1. Bek, the fun part about country music is singing along and trying to imitate the funky twang/accents they all use. Besides that, almost every song tells a story, and so it's difficult to get bored. Unless the stories are crappy, which (I'll admit) a good number of them are. And if you really get into it, I think you'll find that you can enjoy it too!

  2. Hey I have some country music on my pod. I love Taylor Swift. The rest is up to the song. I honestly hate most of it. And since you seem to be such an avid commenter on my blog, well the 4 posts I have had so far, why don't you get one yourself and become a follower of mine.

  3. what did you mean by regina? regina spektor? and did you mean you didnt like her? i will admit she can be strange, but i think, just like any artist, if you really dig into her music you will find it is fun and beautiful and new and challenging. that's just my opinion. but i totally agree about the, just because a song is popular doesnt mean you cant like it. i like me some lady gaga. haha

  4. Yeah, haha Regina Spektor. And when I first heard her, it was the color splashing music video for "fidelity" and i admit I thought it was pretty cool. Or different at least. But, a lot of it, I just don't particularly like. But yeah, I have listened to quite a bit of it, and mostly i'll take some over others. There is just some that I don't like.
